Oregon Roundup
The Roundup Podcast
Oregon's unscientific gender push

Oregon's unscientific gender push

An interview with Paul Terdal

Paul Terdal, a self-proclaimed liberal Democrat from the Portland area, worked for years through Oregon’s rigorous process to extend insurance coverage to kids with autism. He noticed the state applied a far less rigorous standard to what it calls “gender-affirming treatments,” including irreversible surgery, for kids. In fact, Terdal says, Oregon commissioned then buried a study showing there was no real evidence of medical benefit to people who undergo the treatments green-lit by the state.

I talk to him about all that and more in this episode.

Terdal’s National Review Online article is here.

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Oregon Roundup
The Roundup Podcast
A unique take on politics, culture and our place in history by Jeff Eager, a lawyer, political consultant and former mayor. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, The Roundup Podcast will make you think.