As a lifelong Democrat I had no trouble supporting Will Lathrop for AG, not only because Rayfield has absolutely ZERO criminal law experience, but also because I was worried exactly about his pandering to the hyper-partisan 15-20% of voters who want the state attorney general to do meaningless, performative attacks on the unhinged Orange man.
At times like this I remember the words of the prince at the end of "Romeo & Juliet" who invokes: "a plague on both your houses!"
Dan will do his job--protecting the machine's legal flank and keeping his mouth shut about any scandals that crop up.
If I was GuvTina, I'd be getting very nervous about this guy; she's bound to be primaried, which is the only state election that counts, given Portland leading the state around by the nose. Might be nice to have a dude in office for a change.
My sense of it - conjecture only and not based on any reporting -is that he's not angling for Tina. That joint press conference they did a while back about Meidcaid payments being cut off probably wouldn't have happened if he was actively considering. I suspect he's biding his time for Wyden's seat in 2028 if he retires or sooner if he resigns.
Fun fact: Arizona's AG Kris Mayes is widely rumored to be setting up a primary challenge to Dem Guv Katie Hobbs. I know Katie Hobbs and she's about as unimpressive a person as it gets for a Governor.
Interesting that this is apparently part of her strategy to consolidate support?
In my years as an active Democrat and elected official (non-partisan) I met ( and knew, some better than others) every Governor from Atiyeh on up. I thought Kate was really bad, but Kotek is even worse, if possible. Think of the scandals, turmoil, fiscal crises, and inability to do almost anything.
I haven't. I moved out here after hearing my conservative father and cousin talk about how much they disliked her. I saw the tail end of her reign, and...I got it.
Since I had one foot in AZ politics and one in Pac NW politics at the time, it was amusing to me that then-Arizona Governor was the 49th ranked governor when it came to public approval in 2022. The 50th? Well I don't need to tell you... 😂
Jeff, Jeff, Jeff..Do you really think the Democrats newly selected Consigliere is gonna ruffle the feathers of Oregon's Capos. Everybody know only Republicans commit crimes Democrats have oopsies and do overs and the occasional my bad. In all seriousness I do hope someone can keep track of the expenses Rayfield racks up in the idiot crusades he is engaging in.
Rayfield should follow the example of the Oregon State Bar. The first Oregon bar convention I attended was held in Vancouver, BC. That was decades ago. Eventually the Bar realized that was bad optics and changed the rules so that Oregon Bar events had to take place in Oregon. True then, true now.
I am told that in the 60s, when the bar was much smaller and more collegial, the conventions were big social events. The program included satirical skits featuring supreme court justices and well-known lawyers about town. Things have changed!
Katie Hobbs would make a good sixth grade class VP— she is weak. Andy Biggs will be our next Governor.
On another note, Trump flipped the Arizona vote over Biden/DEI Harris by about 185,000 votes. If only Oregon voters would follow suit. Alas, they continue to vote for failures.
The ONLY thing Oregonians need to know about this WORTHLESS, Oregon hating Democrat is that he's IN THE CARTELS POCKETS! HE IS GARBAGE and I stand with what I said. He has done NOTHING to keep our state safe from these illegals, fentanyl and the disturbing amount of homeless! #demonrat
As a lifelong Democrat I had no trouble supporting Will Lathrop for AG, not only because Rayfield has absolutely ZERO criminal law experience, but also because I was worried exactly about his pandering to the hyper-partisan 15-20% of voters who want the state attorney general to do meaningless, performative attacks on the unhinged Orange man.
At times like this I remember the words of the prince at the end of "Romeo & Juliet" who invokes: "a plague on both your houses!"
Dan will do his job--protecting the machine's legal flank and keeping his mouth shut about any scandals that crop up.
If I was GuvTina, I'd be getting very nervous about this guy; she's bound to be primaried, which is the only state election that counts, given Portland leading the state around by the nose. Might be nice to have a dude in office for a change.
My sense of it - conjecture only and not based on any reporting -is that he's not angling for Tina. That joint press conference they did a while back about Meidcaid payments being cut off probably wouldn't have happened if he was actively considering. I suspect he's biding his time for Wyden's seat in 2028 if he retires or sooner if he resigns.
He will do his job, and that is NOTHING but have his pockets lined by the cartel! AND YOU KNOW THIS IS TRUE! Catch and release much! He is GARBAGE!
Fun fact: Arizona's AG Kris Mayes is widely rumored to be setting up a primary challenge to Dem Guv Katie Hobbs. I know Katie Hobbs and she's about as unimpressive a person as it gets for a Governor.
Interesting that this is apparently part of her strategy to consolidate support?
Interesting. Could be. BTW, have you met Kate Brown?
In my years as an active Democrat and elected official (non-partisan) I met ( and knew, some better than others) every Governor from Atiyeh on up. I thought Kate was really bad, but Kotek is even worse, if possible. Think of the scandals, turmoil, fiscal crises, and inability to do almost anything.
Well she is GREAT at trucking her wife around all the restaurants in the state so she can eat on the Oregonians dime.
I haven't. I moved out here after hearing my conservative father and cousin talk about how much they disliked her. I saw the tail end of her reign, and...I got it.
Since I had one foot in AZ politics and one in Pac NW politics at the time, it was amusing to me that then-Arizona Governor was the 49th ranked governor when it came to public approval in 2022. The 50th? Well I don't need to tell you... 😂
Jeff, Jeff, Jeff..Do you really think the Democrats newly selected Consigliere is gonna ruffle the feathers of Oregon's Capos. Everybody know only Republicans commit crimes Democrats have oopsies and do overs and the occasional my bad. In all seriousness I do hope someone can keep track of the expenses Rayfield racks up in the idiot crusades he is engaging in.
No, I don't think he is, but I'd like Oregonians to understand the tradeoffs of electing someone like him.
Definitely, Just hope it would make a difference to Oregon's voters this time
Rayfield should follow the example of the Oregon State Bar. The first Oregon bar convention I attended was held in Vancouver, BC. That was decades ago. Eventually the Bar realized that was bad optics and changed the rules so that Oregon Bar events had to take place in Oregon. True then, true now.
I'm pretty sure I've never been to an OSB convention.
I am told that in the 60s, when the bar was much smaller and more collegial, the conventions were big social events. The program included satirical skits featuring supreme court justices and well-known lawyers about town. Things have changed!
Katie Hobbs would make a good sixth grade class VP— she is weak. Andy Biggs will be our next Governor.
On another note, Trump flipped the Arizona vote over Biden/DEI Harris by about 185,000 votes. If only Oregon voters would follow suit. Alas, they continue to vote for failures.
None of you do anything to protect victims especially our children!
The ONLY thing Oregonians need to know about this WORTHLESS, Oregon hating Democrat is that he's IN THE CARTELS POCKETS! HE IS GARBAGE and I stand with what I said. He has done NOTHING to keep our state safe from these illegals, fentanyl and the disturbing amount of homeless! #demonrat
Jeff you have to understand that they capture that job every time to maintain the mirage of legitimacy. This is a feature, not a bug.
Please post contact info for our illustrious AG Rayfield. I have some constructive critique I’d like to share with him
He’s on Twitter/X just Google his name and Twitter and you’ll get his handle.
Three State's AGs that are under assault by Sino-Mexican drug cartels meeting in a Town Hall with an ASU rent-a-crowd. No mysteries how this will go.