Oregon obviously has its own USAID spending problem.

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Oregon definitely needs a DOGE!

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They may be queer-owned, but their design sux. Pedestrian, clumsy, anything but clever, overbearing, dumb. They're giving gayness a bad name.

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Embarrassing design. My two-year old grandson’s storybook illustrations are rarely this amateurish.

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"Blobby"?? Talk about infantilizing the public!

There's nothing Blobby did that cartoon George Washington couldn't have done ten times better. But I suppose the Founding Fathers' days as symbols of such cherished civic virtues as the exercise of the franchise are over. After all, Blobby's animated forebears never did anything that was commonplace in their day but offends the exquisite sensibilities of today's censorious woke scolds.

If you want to know where "genderful" hangs out when it's not being bandied about by creatives feeding at the taxpayer-funded trough, here it is in its natural habitat:

"If gender identity is considered in terms of this molecularity it can be seen as a site within the field of becomings that goes beyond bisexuality and multiple genders; beyond the traversing of gender which may be reversible or irreversible at a physical level and may involve temporary or permanent relocations across the binary divide; beyond the gender performance in both language and action which characterizes itself as gender transient. A truly nomadic gender identity transcends its roles and its transgressive realignments of molar unities as a becoming. It may take several lines of flight: it may, for example, become GENDERFUL - so expansive and inclusive in its myriad gender alignments that it cannot be aligned or consigned within gender limits, as these limits now contain everything else, them elves a form of gendering; or it may become ungendered, where gender is dissipated, overlain by and completely absorbed into so many other alignments that it cease to function as a category, but remains a minor dimension of all experience."

See? Guilt by association is perfectly warranted sometimes.

The foregoing text is one of a number of results that Google Books' Ngram Viewer tool returned when I searched for proof that "genderful" was a real word. It comes from a chapter titled "Un-gendering Organization" in the book: "The SAGE Handbook of New Approaches in Management and Organization" published in 2008.

Readers of Oregon Roundup will be pleased to know that genderful has suffered a precipitous drop in popularity since 2019.

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Hilarious, Ollie. Thanks.

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I'm thinking they should have opened up a drawing contest for 2nd graders. I'm sure they would have been more imaginative. 😂

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Hell, we could have given the winner a free college education for much less than the $350,000 we spent on Blobby.

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Hold on a darn minute! "Queer-owned, women-led"! Give me time to draft another property tax assessment measure that we might somehow come together as a community and find a way to save Blobby! Seeing Blobby reminds me of the valuable genderosity of nature, whether male, female or zemale, in which we can all celebrate the shared commonality of our breasts, nipples and gametes, a unifying call if ever there was one in the history of official, Oregon State government humanity.

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Looking forward to an executive order that the term “gender” applies only to grammar and that there are only three: masculine, feminine, neuter.

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Eeesh. Oregon is definitely not attracting the best of the marketing industry.

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Pulitzer material.

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$350k for work that included the conception of Blobby (what a horrible use of taxpayer money)? My artistic daughter who is 9 could have drawn a blob for just a happy meal ...

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So did Oregon piss off an old gypsy witch at some point in the past? I mean, there’s kind of a ‘Drag Me to Hell’ vibe down there I’ve never been able to put my finger on exactly, but it’s definitely spooky.

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We blew up a whale on the beach back in the '70s. Could be that.

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Yes! That is very likely what did it. I’m pretty sure Oregon pissed off all kinds of beings that day.

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I could've done better for $300k. And that's not saying a lot.

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We actually paid $350,000 for Blobby.

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blobby makes me throw up :)

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so happy it's Thursday...

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May Blobby Rest In Piece(s) and can we get our $350K back, now that ze has been euthanized?

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Perhaps the Secretary of State was threatened with trademark infringement by the BBC. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr_Blobby

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Oregon Blobby (RIP) would never have gone by the highly gendered and patriarchal “Mr.”

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