I definitely appreciate what you are doing. The unspoken rule for news in this state seems to be, "Is it good for the Democrats?" If it is, it's reported. If it isn't, it's ignored. And if it can't be ignored, it is just explained away by giving "context." The Oregonian should be renamed The Portland Pravda.

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It's a publication with a particular point of view and that serves a diminished audience that now consists largely of people who share that point of view. Its relevance outside its core audience is the result of legacy notions of the old putatively objective press and the fact that it is one of few organizations in the state with the resources to generate news coverage.

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Good work Jeff, Hold their feet to the fire!

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interesting article in Saturday's Oregonian: "Emergency funds: Multnomah County gets short end of stick" by Nicole Hayden. possibilities: Tina Kotek is trying to increase Democrat popularity in house district 5 (Jamie McLeod-Skinner is running again in 2024?) and Multnomah County is solid Democrat no matter what, and/or Tina doesn't like Ted or Jessica.

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I suspect it's more about a turf war between Wheeler and Kotek about who's going to call the shots re homelessness in PDX.

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you are probably right. I was just hoping Ms Kotek cared more for the party than her personal dictatorship. silly me.

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Kinda get a common theme here about corruption and Democratic politicians in our state. Also with the revelations about the proprietors of La Mota pot shop owners. The large donations to Kotek, Fagan, Hoyle and other connected politicians and the total lack of action by the OLCC and Tina's hand picked director.stink of corruption. Not that a change in the state's long lamented one party rule will dawn on the morons of Multnomah County

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Yep, I want to do some reporting on La Mota and Kotek and OLCC when I can. Democrats have become so comfortable with their position as multi-generational rulers of Oregon with little media oversight has led them to take risks with fundraising (La Mota, Bankman-Fried) they used to avoid.

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Yes getting caught red handed taking "campaign contributions" and either dispensing favors or ignoring misbehavior certainly hasn't disturbed them

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