Terrific column...nice to know the free press is still alive in Oregon.

Of course, the cover for this little bit of corruption was a program specifically directed at "blacks," which is the giveaway for other payoffs. Ditto: "historically underserved" and the various reparation lite ploys, such as the Portland school district giving away its HQ building to people trying to recreate Albina. Not to worry: the machine will quickly shift to other boo-hoo pitches; Oregon voters will continue to be dumb enough to buy them.

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one can only hope the voters realize. is that possible?

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A contrer amigo, If her job is to be a party hack of dubious ethical and moral integrity she is outstanding in her field. One would hope the voters of her district could find someone of dedication and integrity to replace her (admittedly a low bar) but then Oregon voters

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