Just worn out by the abuse against Oregonians by their government at all levels.

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Californias ugly step child

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Tax tax tax. Who can keep up with all the raids on household budgets.

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Sounds like every Oregonian gets taxed to build lite rail in Gresham, Beaverton and Hillsboro?

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Why the little side note “or other public transportation” so it looks like it’s “fair” and let’s use the word “equitable”. Clearly it isn’t.

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No more taxes

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If you have to tax something, how about a tax on studded tires which actually erode the roads.

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It never ends with the libtards who cannot balance a check book.

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I think we are much closer to a combined liberal holocaust when CA, OR, WA become one than greater Oregon joining Idaho. I’m surprised they are actually calling it a tax - instead of their usual cloak as a “fee.” (Paint fee, etc.).

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Posted that recently. 4 years ago they created a sales tax but called it a “privilege” tax. Even though repeatedly said no to sales tax they instituted one because the Dem oligarchs changed the wording. They not got a small amount then (not so small when you buy a car or other piece of equipment).

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Let us count the many and varied ways the mopes in Salem would like to take your money for their pet projects. The state has handcuffed itself (along with Portland and the county) with a bunch of special taxes that pour into special funds. And then the pols get to scream about deficits...as is happening right now in Portland.

It's a nutty idea in itself--make tires 4-percent more expensive so that people of modest means will wear their tires down to the steel belts. Brilliant!

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Well hell if Washington and California do it why not. Maybe we can build high speed rail from Maupin to Madras

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As awesome as Gavin Newscums?

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You can just never have enough taxes. Our "leadership" needs DOGE to come in - it's either incompetence, or corruption. But the people of Oregon are paying the price.

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Wait does this mean we’ll get a street car in bend😂😂😂😂

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If they do, make sure it comes with built-in smoke detectors for street drugs.

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What else has tires? That's right: bicycles! Tax those skinny tires now.

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I don't know what it is now, but back when I was in the business 8% of every federal project had to go toward bike paths or some other boondoggle that had nothing to do with getting from one place to another safely.

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MY GAWD! Demonrats JUST WON'T STOP UNTIL THEY GET OUR ENTIRE PAYCHECK! I pray to God I am leaving this state in 2031! I use to be a proud Oregonian and now, it's just a dumpster fire. Born and raised here and I despise what these mentally ill liberals have done.

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The timing of both the tire sales and ODOT's claim (where is the income statement?) that it has a deficit underscores how out of touch our government is. Not only are our gas taxes high, but another set of taxes coming after a punishing 3 years of inflation (tires included) will really hurt families. I want to see a DOGE style audit before I can agree to any tax increase. I am pretty confident that there is much inefficiency and bureaucracy that can be reduced to fund deficits. It is too easy for politicians in a state monopoly to simple raise taxes without accountability. Let's kick these bums out of office and get our state on a more stable fiscal platform...

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“Should [four] per cent appear too small?

Be thankful I don't take it all

'Cause I'm the taxman

Yeah, I'm the taxman

(If you drive a car, car)

I'll tax [your tires]

(If you get too cold, cold)

I'll tax [ your fires]”

Thanks and apologies to George Harrison

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