A great analysis, Jeff. Oh how we have handed more and more power to the ultimate tax collector, in DC. Then, take into account the DC blackmail that holds states financially impotent with health, energy, transportation mandates.

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Thanks, Neil!

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I find it somewhat ironic that the democrats, theoretical champions of "democracy", are the ones championing the bureaucratic morass of regulations promulgated by unelected appointees and designed to negate the intentions of the body of duly elected representatives of the people.

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The Supreme Court at long last appears to be subscribing to the Constitution. They have a lot of work ahead of them to make up for 75 years of Constitutional neglect.

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Hi Jeff. You make a good point about the Democratic party's complicity in the U.S. history of racism. Also a good point that the Republican party pre-existed the insane, bane of NASCAR. However, I think it is important for all of us to understand that today, neither political party much resembles its historical predecessor. I have held for many, many years that the US will not be able to effectively govern ourselves until we evolve past a two party system and the unlimited money in electoral politics closely tied to a for-profit media system. That said, the R leadership today is totally off the rails.

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