Great work exposing another wretched waste of taxpayers dollars. As I have posted previously we as voters are the only ones that can effect any type of change... This crazy train of spending and indoctrination has to stop

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I wish it weren't so easy to find wretched wastes of taxpayer dollars in Oregon.

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Blasphemy to compare this idiocy to Smokey the Bear.

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"The public service announcements ran in advance of the 2022 election in English, Spanish, Russian, Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese and Somali."

I have never understood catering to foreign languages. How the heck do they even know what is going on? At least properly. Where do they go for both sides of the issues. I suppose I am naive. Perhaps there are places and whole neighborhoods where people gather and debate issues in Mandarin.

But honestly, voting is a serious issue that should not be dumbed down to cartoon-like "fun". If you do your homework and dissect the issues with due diligence it is hard work. Most people simply vote "no" and for anyone with a D after their name. Lovely.

Thank-you Oregon "leaders". You never fail to disappoint and dismay me in any arena. Wasted money, again.

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Oregon. Being first with so many third grade implemented ideas.

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Remember JR, third grade educational level is all thats required now to graduate from high school.

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The comments are hilarious and so appropriate for this thing SoS wasted our money for.

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thanks for destroying my last hope for sanity. :o(

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Happy to help.

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I don’t imagine the blobs will have the endurance of Smoky ... god willing

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'Blobby' is a creation of a brain on THC, or at least clouded by cartel cash. Everything the left does is seen through the lens of DEI, thus the non-gender pastel colored whatever it is. Or maybe the SoS was targeting the under 10yo voting bloc.

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This is horrid in the entirety. Voting is serious business, and our current system is rife with fraud, no matter what the SoS says. Trust? HA! I have absolutely ZERO faith in this progressive government. Restoration will require a complete purge of the voter rolls, serialized ballots we can validate against an exposed database, revised laws including ballot harvesting to be illegal, and national cross checks for voter duplication.

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You are on top of the situation Erik! Brandon has invited enough foreign voters into the country that they now make up 14% of the population. Plenty of unverifiable names and address to steal any election.

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