Gee whiz, Jeff! You are turning over so many rocks and exposing the nasty bugs beneath! We need to close that quarry of Democrat corruption. Keep up the great work. You might wind up with a Pulitzer if you’re not careful!

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Thanks! People like me don't win Pulitzers; we get audited.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Eager

I don't remember who said it but it was

"What surprises.me.is not that politicians can be bought , it's how cheaply they sell" welcome to Oregon home of the discount politician.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Eager

methinks the political donors in this instance may have consumed excessive amounts of their product. tsk!

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Eager

Hold your nose and keep digging.

You may want to watch your back also. Just sayin"...

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As bad as so many of these candidates are, they cannot elect themselves— it takes many Useful Idiots to put them in office. Need more proof? 58% of Oregon voters apparently voted for (deadly) Measure 110. What a disaster.

National news continues to highlight Oregon’s failures on a regular basis.

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