
LOL. Half an hr after publishing this, I received an unsubscribe notice for someone named "Aaron Kitchell." I hope Mr. Kitchell is on to happier (and not right-wing) reading pastures.

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So that’s it then? She gets to continue in Congress corrupt to the core and no accountability??

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People could vote her out.

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You have more faith than I do with that occurring

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Didn’t say I have faith in that happening!

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My bad. I thought by suggesting it as an option you did. 🤣 but you’re right. That’s basically how elections should be. Instead we have career politicians who stay corrupt on the job and no one bats an eye because of tribalism.

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Thanks for not letting this topic drop Jeff, and I wouldn't consider this 'stack as right wing. Drugs, money, power and politicians, may as well throw in pride and ego too, are the recipe to a self serving government. We the serfs simply pay for it, in more ways than one...

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Money orders are not cash? What a joke and the lazy out.

La Mota grifters are just two more rich democrats refusing to "pay their fair share" while donating to corrupt democrat politicians.

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I appreciate your right-wing research and presentations. Keep it coming. If our Democrat politicals would spend the mental energy they use to manipulate the fund raising machinery, our people and State could be much better off. Notice I said ‘could’.

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In the world of political tit-for-tat, the LaMota crew's characterization of "Oregon Roundup" as a "right-wing newsletter" certainly justifies tagging them with the epithet "shady."

Everyone knows a real right-wing newsletter would be pushing all sorts of crazy stories about the real sources of their funds and their undisclosed business dealings with the global south.

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the never ending story...

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