Perhaps the most insidious aspect of gut and stuffs (aside from all you mentioned) is the fact that when an actual bill (as opposed to the "directs so and so to study something" place holder bills) is gut and stuffed, there may well have been hearings on the original language of the bill. So well meaning people testify and get on the record opposing or supporting the original language. Then the bill sits idle, but having passed deadlines for a hearing is not dead. Out of nowhere the bill is "gut and stuffed" with language that does not even resemble the original language. But because the bill had a "hearing" there is no opportunity for people to testify on the new language and folks who may have supported the bill are now on record in favor of something they may hate. And there is not a damn thing they can do about it.

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Thanks for the research and journalism on this issue.

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Thanks for reading!

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How un-democratic of the Oregon democrats.

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Don't hold your breath waiting for a response from Pink Floyd.

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Pink Floyd! Oh my.

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beware the taxidermists...

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