Still waiting for the names of legislators and other state mucky mucks allegedly receiving some of the unethically obtained liquor largest

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I'm still waiting too. Would love that info!

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don't hold your breath. they all denied culpability or kept their mouths shut.

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you forgot the "2sia+" and "student success plan grant", but I'm sure somebody has been left out. they/them will be in need of a very, VERY safe place.

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Craig Prins is very much in the model of Mike Schmidt. Both are former junior Deputy DAs in Multnomah County who were sent to Salem when a REAL DA - Mike Schrunk - had a clever idea to supply legislative committees with smart young prosecutors as legal staff.

Schmidt is much more ambitious (and doctrinaire) than Schmidt, but has followed a similar path and owes most of the same people (the current DPO overlords). OLCC has had a strange ride from originally deliberately choking off liquor sales in mid-20th Century Oregon to now an avid marketer of both booze and marijuana, the latter so enthusiastically and with so little regulation that huge amounts of legal weed get diverted to illegal markets and as the OREGONIAN just reported, cannabis prices are falling dramatically.

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