Jayjay on Twitter/X posted on Sept. 28, the day the OPB story ran about the study that Haven Wheelock was a M110 chief petitioner. Good grab and scoop, Jayjay!

"Haven Wheelock was an author of this study.

Haven Wheelock was chief petitioner of M110 and an activist.

Im sure OPB disclosed this information in this article, otherwise it would be activist propaganda and not journalism...Oh wait that is why they omitted the link"


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Terrific reporting...and more evidence that Oregon's legacy media is too brain. dead to see a great story. It's not just that they're all graduates of neo-Marxist J-schools; they're lazy, arrogant, uncurious, self-satisfied. Other than that, a great bunch rapidly destroying the only industry mentioned in the Constitution.

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Careful, there. I'm a graduate of a neo-Marxist law school.

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Excellent reporting!

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Thanks, Josh!

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We appreciate this legwork and reporting.

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Thanks, Jeff! Appreciate what you guys do over at PDX Real.

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It defies common sense to say there's no connection between the decriminalization of drugs, including the substances most likely to cause overdoses, and the increase in overdose deaths.

I hope that the re-criminalization campaign enlists experts to evaluate the study and that they're able to refute its findings.

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Well once they dispelled that nasty rumor about cigarette smoking and cancer it was on to bigger fish

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Great work as always Jeff! Keep peeling the onion to expose the rampant fraud that seems to be continually connected to taxpayers dollars......scary how fast the group think spreads in the media.

I agree with you in the lack of responses, “crickets” is always a good sign someone is racing to put an explanation together.

Keep up the good fight!

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Thanks, Shayne!

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I would be VERY interested in the comments you may (?) receive from those agencies/indiviuals you contacted regarding the effect of measure 110 on deaths from drugs legalized by say measure. keep on keeping on!

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I'm not optimistic that I'll hear from them. I emailed them around 10 this morning once I figured out I was definitely doing the story, and gave them a 2 pm pacific deadline. Crickets all around.

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what one would expect from the powers that be. And JAMA is definitely a power. the scary part is that I see so many cracks in the health industry. just looking at the Oregon situation is frightening, but we are not alone. hang in there.

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Hi Jeff, new subscriber thanks to your great reporting exposing this issue. Any updates from JAMA or the co-authors? I am not a scientist or researcher but it seems like there should be some acknowledgment and explanation of their Choice to omit the funding etc.

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Hey, Maria. The only response I've gotten is one from the spokesperson for NYU Langone which employs one of the other co-authors of the study. Spokesperson says co-author has no comment."

Nothing from JAMA or from Haven Wheelock. Trying to get this story picked up more broadly because what JAMA et al. did here should be a national story, IMO.

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I agree! It feels completely egregious. Good luck!

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My late wife, a doctor, volunteered at Outside In years ago. The clients were mostly youth who had no interest in kicking their habits or entering recovery. They would steal anything they could there, including from the doctor volunteers.

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