"Marijuana Compliance Director?"

That is even more ludicrous than Kotek's plan to shoo out the door political appointees like former OLCC Director Steve Marks (a longtime Demo political hack).

Just consider, for a moment, how "secure" the legal marijuana business has been? The Secretary of State was being overtly bribed while holding office and virtually every member of ruling Democratic cabal (my party BTW) was given paper bags containing thousands in cash from the (likely to be indicted) pair that runs LA MOTA.

And that is just the LEGAL weed business. Southern Oregon is awash in illicit marijuana plantations, many run by Mexican cartels who are essentially enslaving what the "progressives" usually call "vulnerable populations." In addition to which, Oregon's illicit shipment of weed to states where it is NOT legal, have continued to soar.

Back in 2017, Hoffeditz, who appears to have no law enforcement background outside OLCC was promoted. The CAPITAL PRESS then reported " Hoffeditz's promotion was a big deal for the cannabis industry. Her promotion was featured in an article in the online publication, "Weed News."

I don't get the fascination for brown liquor, but it is pretty clear the misdemeanor of Official Misconduct in the First degree is committed if a public employee seeks to use their position to obtain a benefit that they would not otherwise receive. But Ellen Rosenblum's Criminal Justice Division (which did not have original jurisdiction) took over a year to announce nobody could be charged.

One might almost think this is a good, old-fashioned, Soviet-style purge, not unlike when western reporters would notice high Kremlin officials would vanish from the reviewing stand during Mayday in Moscow in the 60s and 70s.

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May 18·edited May 18

So I recall (old, tenuous memory) a vague reference to possibly some legislator's being in on the Great Pappy Diverson, could those unnamed legislator's be the reason it's been quietly swept under the proverbial rug.

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it will be interesting to see how our dear governor (nothing-to-see-here-just-move-on-Kotek) will reply to your request, if, indeed, she does. Big Brother could have learned a lot from her responses to pointed questions. think what George Orwell could have done with her quotes: "Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them."

don't give up, the journey of many miles starts with a single step (or in this case, more than a few).

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