Jeff is the only OR reporter who is following up on this case...anyone wonder why?

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The buddy system in Oregon politics is a complete joke. ANYWHERE in the private sector someone would take the fall for actions like these. Not in Oregon (or most other public offices). The real issue is that you can be held liable in the private sector for even minimal mistakes (thanks democrats). Seems like elected and appointed officials are above this... VOTE yes for the impeachment process in Oregon next week, at least it's a start. BTW we are the ONLY state in the US that does not have an impeachment process on the books.....

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This laymen needs a flow chart to follow the corruption within the vote by mail system. Can anyone have confidence that their vote truly counts? I also find it VERY interesting that Nevada County. California is having 'bar code' issues on their ballots. This bar code fault was first used in Clackamas County in the May 2022 election. Keep on Mr. Eager!

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I refuse to accept that there is corruption in the vote by mail system. That is nothing but an unfounded MAGA conspiracy theory.

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I used to have a lot more faith in Oregon's voting system, Ollie. As a political hack, I've sat through an all-day recount that did not change the outcome by one single vote. I've seen that part of the process and it works. I agree that there's no evidence of widespread corruption. However, the way Oregon's registration and voting systems are set up leaves them pretty insecure, relatively speaking. Plus OR SOS repeating ad nauseum that Oregon elections are "secure" makes me suspicious they are not.

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Did you read the article? Do you understand that the registration process is part of the voting process? Why even bring up MAGA? It is well known there is corruption. Happens every election. Now is it significant? No it’s not. Ballots get tainted. People, as noted in the article, dates have been fudged. Court cases all throughout the US, every election cycle, have this. It’s not significant but it does impact the integrity of the voting process. Trust used to never be an issue when we were to voting stations at schools or churches or govt offices. We have failure at the highest level in Oregon. That causes a serious concern about trust and integrity.

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one vote one opinion.

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This might be the most apt Oregon Roundup comment of all time.

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What else is there to say? ;o)

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Gotta love a public official beginning official statements with "To me,...".

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Sick to death of lawless Democrats getting away with it every single time. These people are walking contagions infecting whatever they touch and then destroy!

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How corrupt can a state get; letting non citizens vote in our elections!!! SHAME on Oregon!

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Mr. Eager can correct me if I am mistaken, but nothing that has been reported so far has shown that anyone intended to let noncitizens vote in Oregon elections. Instead, it was the inadvertent result of the bureaucratic incompetence that Salem is famous for. That is deplorable but it is not corrupt.

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Oregon's voter registration system (no-consent motor voter plus no proof of citizenship reqd w other ways to register) is designed to get as many people registered with as little work (by anyone) as possible. The tradeoff is we get stuff like this. Woon et al. are good with that tradeoff, and based on her comments would go much farther if politically possible. In other words, a lot of this depends on whether one thinks the inadvertant result made more likely by Oregon's choice of voter registration and voting systems is a feature or a bug and if the latter how major of a bug it is.

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if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck.

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Thank you! We too have been screaming from the rooftops about this one too! Shemia Fagan was supposed to clean the voter rolls years ago and Judicial Watch had sent her a letter I saved from November 2021!! She also refused to recuse herself from the FTX investigation! https://www.oregonlive.com/politics/2023/02/oregon-elections-director-who-worked-for-democratic-party-will-not-recuse-herself-from-investigation-into-partys-crypto-donor.html

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"In a video released weeks before Oregon acknowledged its motor voter system had illegally registered noncitizens, over 1,500 of them at latest count, the state’s Elections Director Molly Woon said, 'To me, it is really unfortunate if someone is prevented from getting a ballot for any reason whatsoever.' "

Is this meant to imply that Woon believes noncitizens should receive ballots? Context is important. Given that it is illegal for noncitizens to vote and Woon is the state's election director, it seems improbable that she would have been flouting the law so grievously. Yes, the Dems have sleaze on their hands for sweeping the illegal $500,000 contribution under the rug with the help of the ODOJ. But if the intent here is to suggest that Woon was advocating facilitating voting by noncitizens, what facts back that up?

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My intent was to provide evidence, previously unreported, that the elections director believed it was “unfortunate” to deny ballots to anyone, including people not legally entitled to receive and vote a ballot. Part of her job is to deny legally unqualified people ballots. Her department does zero verification of legal qualifications. If I had evidence Woon knowingly registered legally unqualified people to vote this would be a very different article.

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If the problem with motor voter was apparent awhile back with the potential for fraud, the question then becomes why hasn’t Woon been pushing corrective measures on the DMV and within her own dept?

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Presumably because she likes motor voter whether or not it accidentally registers noncitizens to vote, and believes trying to make that system more secure, for example by conducting regular audits for citizenship, etc., is not worth it.

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that one sentence should suffice, or are you saying noncitizens are not "someone"?

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Soooo disgusting!!! ONLY US citizens are allowed to vote!!!! Does it shock ANYONE the border is wide open for just such dishonesty that the Dems have promoted…?!

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