Aug 6Liked by Jeff Eager

Thank you Jeff Eager, for your conservative reporting and your endurance to investigate and report potential uncomfortable truths!!

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Thanks, Carey!

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kudos to our bulldog.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7Liked by Jeff Eager

Great research and reporting. What's our recourse? Judicial Watch maybe?

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I think it's ultimately voting for someone for Attorney General who will hold the people who run our state accountable when they violate the law. And publicizing this story. No one else is touching it, but it's a big deal and Oregonians should be very concerned about the politicized nature of the parts of their state government that are supposed to be relatively immune from politics.

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Aug 6Liked by Jeff Eager

Gee the DPO is corrupt, who knew

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Yes but now we know they knew. Before, I was just speculating. This one stinks to high heaven.

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I don't think they acknowledge heaven, high or low.

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Aug 6Liked by Jeff Eager

well done. you are Oregon's version of Marcellus!

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Marcellus Wallace from Pulp Fiction?

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Aug 7Liked by Jeff Eager

Marcellus from Hamlet: Something rotten in the state of Oregon. Bernardo and Marcellus took the sight of the ghost to Horatio, and thence to Hamlet. I don't remember much of pulp fiction except for having to clean out the back of the car. :o)

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Aug 7Liked by Jeff Eager

My vote was stolen by this corruption. I voted for Christine Drazen. That was the first time in 50 years. I voted Republican. But believe me, not the last.

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Kind of makes the constantly stated affinity for "Democracy" ring hollow, no? We now KNOW that the party that controls Oregon knowingly misled, and conspired to conceal the truth from, the public for nearly a month just prior to a crucial governor election. It's surely not the only reason Kotek won, but $500k dropped into get out the vote in the last month of the election makes a difference. The whole thing is gross and infuriating.

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Aug 7Liked by Jeff Eager

gross, infuriating, not surprising, & very sad.

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Control the levers of power, you control, well, everything else.

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Aug 15Liked by Jeff Eager

And to nobody's surprise, not a peep from Portland's media about the FTX coverup or Jeff's reporting.

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Weird, huh?

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I remember back when there were consequences for being a crook. Let’s hope your hard work leads to the downfall of this pack of liars. Thank you Jeff

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Thanks, Sam! Until there’s accountability, nothing will change.

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This makes me sick!

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