Jan 17·edited Jan 17Liked by Jeff Eager

Thank you for reporting on this egregious violation of law and ethics by OHA.

Back in 1986 I was a Deputy DA and was advocating (on my own time and dime) for what was then-called Measure 10 - the very basic statutory victims rights law that is now part of the Oregon Constitution. A powerful group of state officials threatened to file charges against any advocacy to change the law. It passed - overwhelmingly.

State law forbids state employees from engaging in political advocacy on government time (the "mini Hatch Act") and only elected officials are exempt from this prohibition.

There is little question the Attorney General's Office would have already filed charges if state employees had been promoting a ballot measure that was NOT sponsored by the radical elite that governs State and County government.

Almost as outrageous is the fact that "mainstream media" the O, OPB, the TV stations have studiously ignored this effort!

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Great reporting, Jeff. You are filling a real media vacuum here. What this points to is the darkest secret (next to cartel influence) in OR politics--the nexus of government and nonprofits.

No one audits the nonprofits and the IRS is woefully slow at posting Form 990s--which are, themselves, a scandal of iffy numbers and no real sense of where the money is finally trickled down.

In addition, although federal laws are explicit that nonprofits should be nonpolitical, this is a joke. They are knee-deep in attaching their endorsements to political flyers, and endorsing candidates, including mobilizing their memberships for outright campaigning.

The state's media is deaf-and-dumb to this.

Keep at it. This is the--THE--major story in Oregon politics.

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Thanks, Richard!

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Jan 17Liked by Jeff Eager

so what else is new? the Left, which constantly decries an imagined conspiracy of the Right to destroy "democracy", is doing their level best to destroy the same through their perfidy and illegal tactics.

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17Liked by Jeff Eager

Good God,. just got back from Louisiana this state and the ruling party make Louisiana look positively.honest. obviously no one in the junta fears any sort of legal ramifications for their blatant disregard of the law. Great job BTW love the information apparently the major news sorces can't find; or won't

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Thanks, Kendall! Looks like I have the OAC beat to myself, for now.

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"The Oregon Health Authority’s (OHA) Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council (OAC) operates unlawfully as a pro-Measure 110 advocacy body."

Where can I donate money to cover the costs of suing the Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council into compliance with the law?

Mr. Marquis said: "There is little question the Attorney General's Office would have already filed charges if state employees had been promoting a ballot measure that was NOT sponsored by the radical elite that governs State and County government." Any member of the public who has internet access can obtain the Oregon Attorney General's contact information from the Oregon State Bar's online membership directory.

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Good question. I don't think there's a private cause of action. Only a complaint process asking Sec State and/or AG to investigate and the AG to assess penalties if she thinks appropriate.

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The lack of a private cause of action is all the more reason for urging members of the public to demand that the AG investigate this apparent violation of law. The last time I checked, the ODOJ web site didn't provide a means for the public to communicate directly with the AG. So it's fortunate her contact information is publicly available through the OSB.

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Jan 17Liked by Jeff Eager

Lie cheat and steal. That's all the left knows how to do. Obviously there's a few people determined to preserve the gravy train while victims lives are destroyed by easy access to very harmful drugs.

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